Compact Chart:
Christophe Hopp

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Mathias Hopp
1693-1764 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I3811
Mathias Hopp
1724-1781 ‎(57)‎
Compact Chart: I4872 Nicolas Hopp
1765-1835 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I4886 Catherine DEUTSCH
1740-1810 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I3812Compact Chart: I5350
Suzanne Marguerite BEITZ
1699-1738 ‎(39)‎
Pierre Hopp
1808-1851 ‎(42)‎
Compact Chart: I5599 Christophe Hopp
1848-1937 ‎(88)‎
Compact Chart: I5600
 Compact Chart: I5594
Anne-Marie ABEL

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