Compact Chart:
Pierre Blanchard

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Pierre Blanchard
André Communeau
Compact Chart: I3427 Louis Communeau
1711-1761 ‎(50)‎
Compact Chart: I3428 Louise Barillet
Compact Chart: I2778Compact Chart: I2789
Jean Pierre Blanchard
Compact Chart: I2568 Pierre Blanchard
1777-1829 ‎(51)‎
Compact Chart: I2569
Marie Communeau
1749-1782 ‎(33)‎
 Compact Chart: I2781Compact Chart: I2794
Magdeleine Landry
Marin Beliard
Compact Chart: I3431 Marguerite Beliard
Compact Chart: I3432 Marthe Paty

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